Friday, March 9, 2012

Mr. Fantastic vs Iron Man

( sorry for the delay, had to finish the blogger awards before I got back to this)

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Mr. Fantastic vs Iron Man

Two of the smartest guys in the universe duke it out. What more could you ask for?


This fight is not as one-sided as it may seem. It is certainly clear that Iron Man has more versatile offensive abilities, but outside of his suit his abilities are limited due to his cockiness. Mr. Fantastic is almost completely the opposite; he is extremely versatile defensively and is not limited by pre-determined abilities. For example; Mr. Fantastic can use his intellect to create ways to defeat his enemies, while Iron Man wouldn’t think of doing that since he has the upmost confidence in his suit. Fantastic is also excellent at absorbing concussive blasts, which take up a good portion of Iron Man’s attacks. Iron Man’s flight is countered by Mr. Fantastic’s ability to fit into any sized space, so they can both go places the other guy can’t to recuperate. Iron Man also has the crutch of needing a power source for his suit after a while, and since Mr. Fantastic is a tough bastard to kill, the fight may end up draining him before he kills him. Still, even with all of this, Mr. Fantastic is going to have to really get creative to hurt Iron Man, while Iron Man can just trial-and-error through his huge arsenal of weapons until he finds something that can hurt Fantastic, then spam that particular weapon until his death.

In case you haven't noticed already, I'm just putting music I like here. It has nothing to do with the battle.

The Fight

            Deep underground in a reinforced laboratory underneath Stark Industries, Reed Richards and Tony Stark were working on a prototype for an updated Iron Man suit. Richard’s knowledge of chemistry combined with Stark’s background in engineering meshed perfectly to develop a new material that would be lighter and more resilient than his previous suits. “Plus it’ll look a lot cooler for The Avengers movie coming out this summer.” Stark winked as he told the camera this.

        Richards turned to Stark. “Who are you talking… what the hell is this? How did those cameras get down here?” He tried to shoo the cameramen out but they just kept filming. “Yeah, sorry about that, you see I paid these guys to follow me around and film my daily life. I’ll eventually take the best footage and make a documentary on me.”

        “Well they can’t be down here, it’s too dangerous. There are chemicals down here that could melt their eyes if they aren’t wearing goggles.” The camera crew showed no reaction to this information, which confused Richards. “What’s wrong with these guys?”

          “They don’t speak English, let me try to tell them. Este hombre tiene un pene flácido, pero tu es probable que de todos modos debe ponerse gafas”  The Mexicans laughed heartily at this and began distributing goggles amongst themselves. “You see Richards, they’re all…” Before he could finish the sentence he was hit in the face by Mr. Fantastic. “Do you really think I don’t know how to speak Spanish you mother fucker!” He transformed his fists into large mallets; upon seeing this the Mexicans dropped their cameras and ran. Stark was backing away from him now, trying to calm him down. “Look man, you don’t want to do this. There’s no way you could survive a battle with the Iron Man.”

        “Well then you should have nothing to worry about!” Yelled Fantastic as he brought the hammers down on Stark, who just barely jumped out of the way. Seeing that Fantastic meant business, he brought the Mark 37 suit forth from within his body and became the Iron Man. He flew up into the air and spoke down to Mr. Fantastic. “You see, now you’re fucked.” He put his hands out and put a high-powered blast of energy into Mr. Fantastic’s skull, which absorbed the blast without problem. Fantastic flung his arms up and grabbed onto Iron Man, who flew higher to try to loosen his grip. This just let Fantastic slingshot at him faster than he was going to.

        Seeing the attack, Iron Man used his chest ray to hit Fantastic, which knocked him off his shoulders, but did no real damage. “Dammit, why won’t you die!” He launched a barrage of missiles at Fantastic, who contused his body and dodged all of them. The missiles destroyed the machines in the laboratory and sent volatile chemicals scattered across the room. Alarms sounded as the deadly chemical fumes filled the room. Iron Man flew up to the top of the only staircase in or out of the facility and destroyed it. Taking care of Fantastic once and for all…

        Or so he thought as Fantastic melted through the nearest air vent. The disinfectants rushing down through the vents to clear out the chemical fumes nearly made him vomit, but he knew that Iron Man would destroy the staircase before he got up it, so this was his only option. As he climbed he thought about what would happen if the new material they created fell into the wrong hands. He didn’t worry too much, as it was underneath nearly a kilometer of cement that not even a nuke could destroy, but the idea that something he had a hand in creating being able to taken and used against him didn’t sit well, and he decided that once he took care of Iron Man he would secure the prototype suit underneath the Baxter building in New York.

        When he finally reached the top of the duct he slid through the cracks and looked around. He was in the main lobby of Stark Enterprises Headquarters, and everyone was staring at him. He asked them, “Have any of you seen Iron Man?” Everyone pointed to the elevator, signaling that he had gone to the top floor. “Alright, thanks everyone, you can go back to whatever you were going before I melted in here.” He ran over to the elevator and hopped in as everyone went back to work.

        Iron Man was sitting in his office, still suited up, talking to Nick Fury on the phone. “What do you mean Captain America is dead? I made him some awesome shields and… Magneto? God damn what a dumbass.” As he spoke the elevator door at the other end of his office opened up, revealing Mr. Fantastic in spring-form, ready to pounce. “Nick, I’m gonna have to call you back.” The second he pressed “end” Mr. Fantastic sprang forward and tackled Iron Man out of the window behind him.

        Once they were in the air Mr. Fantastic wrapped himself around Iron Man, restraining him from properly using his boosters. Iron Man tried to overpower him, but his grip was too tight, and it was only getting tighter as they plummeted towards earth. He tried using his energy blade to cut through Fantastic, but he seemed to be uncuttable. Eventually he got angry and used his overcharge ability, causing his suit to put out over 1000% power and allowing him to break free of the restraint. He activated his boosters and began to fly away when Fantastic once again grabbed onto him in midair. He shot a barrage of energy at him, with none of them landing a direct hit. Fantastic altered his density while holding Iron Man, causing him to slowly lose altitude.

        “If this bastard wants to fight on the ground, then let’s fight on the ground.” Iron Man flew fast at Fantastic and tackled him down until they crashed against the pavement. Iron Man went to punch him, but Fantastic dodged and used his neck to wrap around Iron Man’s neck. He then liquidated the bottom portion of his body until it fell through the cracks in the cement, and solidified it again. Iron Man couldn’t move as Fantastic held his grip hard and used the cement as an anchor. “What the Hell are you doing? You can’t hurt me! You’re just a damage sponge!” He got extremely angry and risked another overcharge to break free. This time he went to 2500%; his suit was literally glowing from all the energy it was putting out. He ripped Fantastic from the cement and tore him from his neck, throwing him away in the same motion. While still in overcharge, he began launching everything he had: missiles, plasma bolts, lasers, and energy beams. Fantastic dodged most of the attacks and even managed to throw a missile back at Iron man, hitting him right in the head. This angered him to the point that he did the unthinkable; he launched a mini nuke at Fantastic in the middle of a city.

        Fantastic saw this and saw his opportunity. He used his abilities to encase the mini nuke while it was flying, then he flung it off his stomach and hit Iron Man. The explosion was enough to topple the Stark Enterprises headquarters building, and it landed directly on Iron Man. Satisfied that his work was done, Fantastic turned into a ball and started hopping away from the scene.

        Iron Man stood unmoved under the wreckage of his building. Normally a beating like that would have killed him, but he was still in overcharge mode, and the nuke failed to even take down his shields at this point. He saw the body of his secretary Janice in front of him, which angered him to unthinkable levels. He grabbed onto a metal pipe and used it as a conduit to drain all of the remaining energy in the downed building and funnel it into his suit.

        Iron Man stepped out of the wreckage at 5000% overcharge. He saw Mr. Fantastic in ball form and shot him with his repulsor rays. This time the beam went straight through him, causing him to destabilize and change back into his human form with a huge hole in his stomach. Iron Man then flew over, grabbed Fantastic, and flew at a ludicrous speed until they were over the Atlantic Ocean. He then plunged deep into the ocean, to the point that Mr. Fantastic couldn’t hold his form any longer and collapsed on himself. He kept going deeper though, to the point that his suit was nearly crushed by the pressure. He then let go of Fantastic and waited until he was sure that his enemy’s lungs were full of water. He flew out of the water and used the small amount of power left in his suit to fly back to the mainland.

Winner: Iron Man

                Whoever said defense wins championships never realized that defense doesn’t score points, or in this case do damage. Mr. Fantastic simply couldn’t damage Iron Man.


                Old School Results:

                Iron Man- 812 Kills

                Mr. Fantastic- 188 kills

                After Iron Man left with Mr. Fantastic, two helicopters with large Hammers on their sides flew over the ruins of the Stark Headquarters. After firing their missiles to clear out some of the wreckage, a dozen soldiers in black outfits rappelled down and began digging. An hour later, they came out of the wreckage with samples of the prototype Iron Man suit material and all of Richard’s notes about it. They got back on the helicopters and began the trip back to Colorado to present their findings to Norman Osborne, who had big plans for this new material.


  1. Hey man, good to see another battle!

    First I hope I entertained you on the podcast forums ;p. Second I am glad to see that you have finished blogger awards, are you still the only judge on that, or did you get Logan on board? And do you know when that podcast is supposed to be, seeing as you were on the podcast with Jay and Kirby recently?

    I was a bit surprised, your opening analysis made this seem very close but in the end it was a huge blowout.Not complaining though, the fight was very entertaining and brutal, with a flacid penis thrown into the mix for some variety. Also for Iron Man's sake I hope he doesn't run into Magneto like his friend did, as he would also get also get slaughtered. Even though he was beaten by Sarah in the tournament of mortals, I hold a lot of respect for the guy and he has some very extreme feats.

    About Iron Man though how much can his suit overcharge before blowing up? And since I am told this is a major debate, which suit is better Iron Man's or Batmans'?

  2. I know that my opening analysis made it seem close, but in reality Mr. Fantastic doesn't have nearly as many offensive options as Iron Man, and even though Iron Man isn't as versatile defensively his suit can take a ton of damage.

    Loganwulf posted on the boards a few days ago and I haven't heard from him since... so I don't know about him. A little-half-almost-preview can be heard somewhere in the next podcast, but it's in between alot of talk about women being awful to hang out with and how Michigan sucks. The official podcast is probably going to be taped at the end of this month.

    Iron Man's suit can go up to 5000% overcharge, but it's extremely dangerous for him to do so, and he normally keeps it under 3000% in anything but the most distressing situations. Even at 3000% though, he's basically indestructable.

    Against Batman's suit, I'd say that even though Batman's is alot more stealthy and detective-like, the sheer amount of damage the Iron Man suit can put out and take is enough to make it better in my eyes, and flight is just that extra something to put it over the edge. How well do you think Batman would do against a mini nuke?

  3. No, though my friend was telling me the Batman Beyond suit could, something that I cannot verify having never watched the show.

    Loganwulf is in my fictional group, so I'll try to get in contact with him though he's been busy. And I saw (well, HEARD) your podcast and it seems that my good friend Master of the Boot is going to do really well. Will you be on the official podcast too?

    Also I am a bit surprised that you said you never read comic books, seeing as your doing a comic book tournament right now.

  4. Actually, as far as my grading was concerned (Logan may see it differently, so no guarantees at this point,) everyone who entered is in the top three in at least one catagory, and only two people didn't straight up win a catagory. That's all I will reveal right now :P
    I'm most likely in the official podcast as well.

    I knew I catch shit for saying I've never read comic books, but I consider the wiki sites to be as good of a source as anything, and the tournament is really just a way to get the creative juices flowing for something better. I've always wanted to do something Halo related... speaking of which, didn't you preview a match with Noble team a while ago?

    1. Yes, vs. Delta Squad. Unfortunatly I got side tracked by school and helping a friend on the INFAMOUS tournament of mortals, which I later adopted for my own. Expect to see quite a bit coming out of my blogger on that. Speaking of which I hope that little debate didn't ruin the tournament for you, and your always welcome to come vote in the matches (so far its 2-2 on Dumbledore vs. Palpatine).

      oh and what is this "something better " that you are referring to, hmmm?

      Well I can't wait to see your scoring then, and to see how I stack up. Still not sure if Logan/Cronis are going to be able/willing to read as much as you have, so I think your the main judge here.

  5. Well maybe they can at least help me out on some of the closer catagories, Like best writing. That took me about a day to judge alone, and I'm still not 100% about the results. As for the tournament, I already voted for Palpatine, and that little tiff with big V didn't really bother me too much, even if it was completely random.
    "Something Better" = A match I can really rip into comparison-wise

    1. Votes are determined in the facebook group, not Anyway I don't think they would be willing to read as much unfortunately but maybe you can give them your 2-3 frontrunners and have them choose from that.

      well you said you were a DBZ fan, so do a battle with Goku that you can rip into (like against Superman, Doomsday ect)

  6. Ahh, Goku is too much of a wild card, since his power level is never fully defined, he's died multiple times, and he has a laundry list of powers and techniques, most of which I don't know the names of.
    I was thinking more along the lines of Master Chief + squad of Helljumpers vs Samus + squad of Galactic Federation Marines, and I might even take a bit from your proposed match and have MC fight a group of space pirates led by Ridley and Samus face a group of Elites and Brutes led by Tartarus (or maybe something even worse) before they fight each other.

    Yeah... That sounds pretty good.
